Site Meter On the Road in 2006 (continued): SKP Park Sierra Co-Op, Coarsegold, CA - Mar 15-??? On the Road in 2006 (continued): SKP Park Sierra Co-Op, Coarsegold, CA - Mar 15-???
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  • Friday, March 17, 2006


    SKP Park Sierra Co-Op, Coarsegold, CA - Mar 15-???

    This is another Escapee Co-Op, similar in concept to the one in Benson that we belong to. But the similarity ends there -- the Benson Co-Op is built on flat desert terrain with the lots all in neat rows, like a regular RV park. Here, the terrain is hilly with the lots set helter-skelter wherever they can fit amid the vegetation. There are abundant CA Live Oaks. The birding is quite good -- we have already seen three lifers (Oak titmouse, Nuttall's woodpecker and California quail), and the cable TV has ESPN2, allowing us to watch the women's NCAA tournament starting 3/18.

    The cold weather continues. There was a heavy snowfall less than a week before we got here, breaking numerous trees and causing widespread damage. The cats are wondering where the sun is in "sunny" California. We plan to hunker down here at least until April 6 when we have dental appts. After that, we may head north through CA to Oregon, Idaho, and Utah. Our only commitment is to meet friends in Cortez in early July and to be at Chaco on Aug 1, so we're currently adopting a wait-and-see attitude.

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